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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Wists - Image Bookmarking

Wists is what? Weblist or Wishlist? Its upto you what you want to take it as. I would prefer to take it as wishlist for the stuff I wanna buy, and I made a wishlist already which you may like to visit and think about gifting me something in there ;-).

Basically, is a social (image) bookmarking service where you can share image bookmarks for any webpage you like. I guess many people making use of this weblist to make their wishlist and share with friends.

You are not needed to stick to amazon's wishlists or any other specific wishlist now. You can make your own and share it! Pretty cool idea.

Can you see a verticle scroll on the side bar, that's my wish list. Just check out, there are some cool items in my wishlist or just let me add it here in this post itself.

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